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IDS Software Suite 4.96.1

The USB 3 uEye CP/ML have a serial interface which can be accessed from the PC through a virtual COM port (please also refer to the Camera basics: Serial interface chapter).

The Windows API provides all necessary functions for a COM port-based communication. The three Windows API commands listed in the table below are sufficient to perform a basic COM communication. You can use additional Windows API functions to further configure the COM port. The uEyeComportDemo.exe COM port demo program which is supplied in C++ source code with the uEye SDK shows how to use these functions.


Windows API function.
You can use this function to initialize the specified communication resource – in this case, the virtual COM port. The function returns a handle for accessing the port.


Windows API function.
You can use this function to write data to the port identified by the handle returned by CreateFile().


Windows API function.
You can use this function to read data from the port identified by the handle returned by CreateFile().


uEye SDK function.
Retrieves the currently set COM port number of the camera.

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