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IDS Software Suite 4.96.1

Cameras of the USB 3 uEye CP/ML series are equipped with a serial interface. It provides functionality for communication with peripheral devices (e.g. lighting controller, lens controller or the serial port of a PC). Before you can send data through the camera's serial interface, one or more virtual COM ports have to be defined on the PC. Once defined, they can be used for data communication with appropriate software just like any physical COM port.

To set up and use the serial interface, the "Additional functions" dialog box is provided in the IDS Camera Manager as well as the "Input/output" tab in the uEye Cockpit. For the serial interface specifications, please refer to the chapters USB 3 uEye CP Rev. 2 serial interface wiring (UART), USB 3 uEye CP serial interface wiring (UART) and USB 3 uEye ML serial interface wiring (UART).

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