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IDS Software Suite 4.96.1

Under "Color", you can configure settings for the color rendering of the uEye camera (see also Color filter (Bayer filter)).


This section is only available if a color camera is opened in uEye Demo.

Fig. 162: uEye Demo - Color

Fig. 162: uEye Demo - Color

Color saturation

This option enables and configures color saturation control (see is_SetSaturation()).
In the YUV format, color information (i.e. the color difference signals) is provided by the U and V channels. n the U channel they result from the difference between the proportion of blue and Y (luminance), in the V channel from the difference between the proportion of red and Y. For the use in other color formats than YUV, U and V are converted using a driver matrix.

Selecting this check box synchronizes the two "Saturation U" and "Saturation V" sliders.

Saturation U/Saturation V
Via the sliders "Saturation U" and "Saturation V", you can increase or decrease the color saturation. The factor 2.0 corresponds to a value of 200 %. The default value is 1.0 (100 %).

IR color filter matrix

When using color cameras with IR filter glass, you need to set the appropriate color correction matrix to ensure correct color rendering. The driver detects the IR filter type and sets this value automatically ("IR Automatic" button). You can also select the correction matrix manually.

This function corrects the color values of a pixel. The colors are rendered more accurately after the color crosstalk of the individual Bayer pattern filters has been eliminated by the color correction. The color correction factor is steplessly adjustable between 0 (no correction) and 1 (full correction).
Activating the sensor color correction may increase CPU load.

Resetting the parameters

Click on the "Reset" button to reset all parameters to the model-specific defaults.

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