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IDS Software Suite 4.96.1

Under "Hotpixel", you can make settings for the hot pixel correction of the uEye camera.

Fig. 167: uEye Demo - Hotpixel

Fig. 167: uEye Demo - Hotpixel


Notes on sensor hot pixel correction on the UI-124x/UI-324x/UI-524x and UI-125x/UI-325x/UI-525x

If sensor hot pixel correction and Multi AOI are enabled, the sensor displays a four pixel wide black line between the AOIs.

Hot pixel correction

This function corrects the sensor hot pixels specified in the non-volatile camera memory.

Hot pixel correction
Select this check box if you want to enable hot pixel correction. The following modes can be selected:

oCamera hot pixel correction
Enables hot pixel correction using the hot pixel list(s) stored in the non-volatile camera memory.

oSensor hot pixel correction
Enables the sensor's internal hot pixel correction for some models.

Mark hot pixels
If you select this check box, the hot pixel positions stored in the camera are graphically represented in the image.

Adaptive hot pixel correction
Enables the adaptive hot pixel correction. The further settings are applied in the "Adaptive hot pixel correction" area.

Adaptive hot pixel correction

The adaptive hot pixel correction can determine hot pixels dynamically and correct them adaptively in the current image. Thus, hot pixels can be corrected better which, for example, result from an increased temperature. In addition, the adaptive hot pixel correction can be executed directly in live operation, thus permitting the best possible optimization on the application conditions.


Note on adaptive hot pixel correction

Adaptive hot pixel correction can be used in combintaion with subsampling, binning or scaler.

Currently, adaptive hot pixel correction can only be used with software color formats or RAW color formats.

The following modes are distinguished for the adaptive hot pixel correction:

o"Detect once": The hot pixels are determined once and stored in a list. The adaptive hot pixel correction works with this list. This mode is suitable for all applications with static light conditions which do not require dynamic adaptation.

o"Detect dynamic”: The hot pixel list is dynamically determined for each image. So, this allows a better response for changing light conditions. In this mode, the full frame rate may not be achieved.

Sets the value for the sensitivity of the adaptive hot pixel correction: 1 (lowest sensitivity) … 5 (maximum sensitivity)

Returns the percentage of corrected hot pixels in the last image. If the hot pixels are determined once the value will not change until the next determination. For dynamic determination, the value may change with each image.

Detect again
Resets the hot pixel list and determines it with the next image. This command has only an effect in combination with the "Detect once". setting.


Hint for adaptive hot pixel correction

If the hot pixels are determined once, you should deactivate LUT, gamma, and RGB gains for detection. For dynamic detection, the use of LUT, gamma, and RGB gains may cause too many hot pixels to be determined and corrected. This can cause a high CPU load.

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