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IDS Software Suite 4.96.1

Under "Image", you can set the sensor gain parameters for your uEye camera (see also Gain and offset).

Fig. 159: uEye Demo - Image

Fig. 159: uEye Demo - Image

Master gain

The following functions control the analog image signal gain and the black level. The analog adjustments are made directly in the sensor, which achieves better results than image adjustments via software.

Gain for overall image brightness [0 ... 100]. Some camera models have no master gain.
Gain = 100 means maximum gain; the actual factor is displayed. A gain factor of 1x disables master gain. The maximum possible gain factor depends on the model you are using.

Select this check box to activate the automatic gain control function. Manually changing the master gain setting disables the "Auto" function.

Gain boost
Additional analog camera hardware gain. The gain factor ranges between 1.5x and 2x, depending on the camera model.

Black level [0 … 255]
Offset for the black level of the sensor signal. The sensor adjusts the black level of the pixels automatically by default. Manual adjustment of the black level may be necessary if the brightness is very strong. High gain may offset the black level. Only an additive offset is possible (increase of the black level).

The black level is automatically corrected by the sensor (recommended).


With cameras featuring both master gain and RGB gain, the two gain factors are multiplied. Very high gain values can be achieved in this way.

If you want to use the RGB sliders for color adjustment, we recommend setting green gain to 0 and using only red and blue gain.

Color gains

For color cameras, the following functions control the analog gain for the RGB color channels. The analog control is performed in the sensor (except color models UI-122x/UI-322x/UI-522x) and achieve better results than software based image correction.

Red gain [0 ... 100]
Amplifies the red color values

Green gain [0 ... 100]
Amplifies the green color values

Blue gain [0 ... 100]
Amplifies the blue color values


This function activates the gamma function and sets the factor for the gamma curve. The gamma function emphasizes dark image areas according to a non-linear curve. If you are using a uEye camera with activated hardware color calculation, the gamma curve is calculated in the camera. In all other cases, the gamma curve is calculated in the PC.

Hardware sensor gamma
UI-122x/UI-322x/UI-522x/UI-124x/UI-324x/UI-524x/UI-125x/UI-325x/UI-525x only: This option enables gamma correction by the hardware, using a fixed factor.

Resetting the parameters

Click on the "Reset" button to reset all parameters to the model-specific defaults.


Hardware sensor gamma: is_SetHardwareGamma()

Gamma: is_Gamma()

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