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Flip vertically the image sent by the camera. The ROI (region of interest) is applied after the flipping.
Name |
ReverseY |
Category |
Interface |
Boolean |
Access |
Read/Write |
Unit |
- |
Visibility |
Expert |
Values |
True False |
Standard |
Availability uEye+ |
Availability uEye |
Values description
•True: Vertical flipping is enabled.
•False: Vertical flipping is disabled.
The access changes to read-only during an acquisition. |
For some sensors, ReverseY causes a change of the colored PixelFormat, e.g. BayerRG to BayerGB. Transfer the PixelFormat as chunk via ChunkSelector and ChunkEnable to be able to refer to it when you work with the image later on. |
For some sensors, ReverseY shifts the mirrored image downwards by one pixel. |
Code example
// Determine the current status of ReverseY
bool value = nodeMapRemoteDevice->FindNode<peak::core::nodes::BooleanNode>("ReverseY")->Value();
// Set ReverseY to false
// Determine the current status of ReverseY
bool value = nodeMapRemoteDevice.FindNode<peak.core.nodes.BooleanNode>("ReverseY").Value();
// Set ReverseY to false
# Determine the current status of ReverseY (bool)
value = nodeMapRemoteDevice.FindNode("ReverseY").Value()
# Set ReverseY to false (bool)