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IDS Software Suite 4.96.1


The applicable tolerances for the overall dimensions of PCBs are higher than the tolerances for housing dimensions.


NOTICE! Make sure to avoid mechanical or electrical damage of the printed circuit board or its connections. Do not touch the printed circuit board while it is powered. Always hold the board by the edges to avoid the risk of electrostatic discharge damage.

All four mounting holes of the camera are potential free and have no connection to shield or ground.

Dimensions of the board level version

The PCB version can optionally equipped with a CS-mount. The camera weight is 24 g with CS-mount.

Fig. 604: GigE uEye LE with CS-mount - front view

Fig. 604: GigE uEye LE with CS-mount - front view

Fig. 605: GigE uEye LE with CS-mount - rear view

Fig. 605: GigE uEye LE with CS-mount - rear view

Fig. 606: GigE uEye LE with CS-mount - side view

Fig. 606: GigE uEye LE with CS-mount - side view


The lens holder is attached with two plastic tapping screws M1.8 on the board.

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