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IDS Software Suite 4.96.1


The Log mode is only supported by the camera models UI-124x/UI-324x/UI-524x and UI-125x/UI-325x/UI-525x.

Some sensors have a special Log mode, which can be used to produce HDR pictures.

The more light falls on a pixel the lighter its gray scale value. This is a linear process, which means that above a certain point light points in the image are over exposed. In Log mode, the increase is no longer linear above a certain brightness, i.e. due to damping the pixel requires a significantly higher amount of light before it is completely saturated. Thus Log mode means that after a linear increase in brightness there is a transition to a non-linear range.

To set up log mode proceed as follows:

1.For color cameras, in uEye Cockpit go to Properties, open the "Image" tab and set equal values for the RGB gain.

2.When using the Log mode, the master gain is automatically set to "0".

3.Within certain limits, the "Log mode gain" can be used to influence the gain.

Fig. 51: Setting the Log mode

Fig. 51: Setting the Log mode

When using log mode, we recommend using rolling shutter mode ("Shutter" tab).

1.Set the exposure time on the "Camera" tab such that important parts of the image are over exposed.

2.On the "Shutter" tab, enable the "Manual Log mode" option. The settings for "Log mode value" and "Log mode gain" are at the minimum value.

3.Increase the "Log mode value" setting until details are displayed in the over exposed parts of the image.

4.Adjust the "Log mode gain" value so that the light points in the image turn white.

Fig. 52: Examples of Log mode

Fig. 52: Examples of Log mode

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