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IDS Software Suite 4.96.1

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Using digital inputs/outputs

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Digital input (trigger)

Models with optocoupler input can use the digital input for externally triggering the image capture, or query the applied signal level.

In trigger mode, a digital signal is applied to the camera's input. You can determine whether the camera will respond to the rising or falling edge of the digital signal. After an internal delay, the sensor is exposed for the defined exposure time. The captured image is then transferred to the PC.

On models with general purpose I/Os (GPIO), you can query a voltage level at these inputs.

Digital output (flash)

The uEye's digital outputs can be used in both freerun mode and trigger mode. You can synchronize the output level to the exposure time or set it statically.

Models with optocoupler output allow control of a DC voltage applied to the output. This allows controlling a flash, either directly or via a separate flash controller unit. Models with general purpose I/Os (GPIO) can output a voltage at these outputs.


Note on I/O wiring

Please read the notes on I/O wiring for your camera model in the D: Specifications chapter.


Note on the persistence of settings

The settings specified for the digital output will be reset in the following situations:

A GigE uEye camera loses its pairing (i.e. it is closed in the software).

A USB 3/USB uEye camera is disconnected from the PC or the PC is powered down.

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