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IDS Software Suite 4.96.1

Under "Timing", you can make settings for pixel clock, frame rate and exposure time for the uEye camera (see also Pixel clock, frame rate and exposure time).

Fig. 156: uEye Demo - Timing

Fig. 156: uEye Demo - Timing

Pixel clock

Sets the clock rate at which the image data is read from the sensor. Changes to this parameter affect the frame rate and the exposure time.
Many CMOS sensors allow higher pixel clock frequencies in binning/subsampling mode.

Extended (UI-306x, UI-326x/UI-526x, UI-316x and UI-318x only)
Enables the use of the extended pixel clock range. This is special mode to achieve even higher frame rates.

Frame rate

Sets the frame rate in freerun mode. The available frame rate range depends on the pixel clock setting.

Select this check box to activate the auto frame rate function. This function is only available when auto exposure shutter is enabled.


Sets the exposure time (is_Exposure()). The available exposure time range depends on the pixel clock setting and the frame rate. A low frame rate setting allows long exposure times. A high frame rate setting reduces the maximum possible exposure time. In combination with flash an exposure time of 1 ms has been proven.

Select this check box to activate the auto exposure shutter function. If the "Auto" check box is selected, the exposure time and pixel clock can no longer be adjusted manually. Selecting the "Max" check box deselects the "Auto" check box.

The camera is operated at the maximum exposure time that is possible at the current frame rate.

Resetting the parameters

Click on the "Reset" button to reset all parameters to the model-specific defaults.

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