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IDS Software Suite 4.96.1

The "XS" tab is displayed if you have opened an UI-1007XS.

Fig. 157: uEye Demo - XS

Fig. 157: uEye Demo - XS

"Sensor" tab

Auto focus
Activates the automatic focus.

With the buttons "Trigger" or "Once" you can adjust the focus singularly.

Manual focus
To use the manual focus, disable the "Auto Focus" option. Use the slider to set the focus manually.


According to the sensor manufacturer, there is no guarantee that a focal point set manually will lead to a reproducible focal distance. A focal value determined with one model will not necessarily result in the same focal point for a different model.

"Image parameter" tab

You can set the lens correction, focus, exposure time and gain settings for the USB uEye XS automatically or manually.

Lsc preset
With the "Lsc preset" drop-down list, you set the color space for the lens correction:

oAGL: Color space with a white point of 3000 kelvins.

oTL84: Color space with a white point of 4000 kelvins.

oD50: Color space with a white point of 5000 kelvins.

oD65: Color space with a white point of 6500 kelvins.

Use the slider to increase or decrease the image sharpness. The default value is 0.

With the slider, you can configure the color saturation. If you want to reduce the color saturation move the slider into the negative. The default value is 0.

JPEG mode
With this option, you activate/deactivate the image compression (JPEG) for the XS camera. Set the value for the compression via the "Compression" slider. The higher the value, the more the image is compressed. The default value is 2.


Note: Only with active compression, the maximum frame rate is achieved.

Auto gain shutter
Enable this option to activate the auto control for the exposure time and gain.

Set the image size for the live image via the drop-down lists. The drop-down lists show all image sizes which are supported in the current operating mode by the sensor.

Mirror left/right and mirror up/down (is_SetRopEffect())
Select this check box to flip the image horizontally/vertically.

Resetting the parameters

Click on the "Reset" button to reset all parameters to the model-specific defaults.

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