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IDS Software Suite 4.96.1

You can set the exposure time as well as brightness, gain and black level either automatically or manually for the USB uEye XS.

Open the "Brightness and contrast" dialog via "Camera > Brightness and contrast" or click on Icon_BrightnessContrast in the toolbar.

Fig. 144: Brightness and contrast

Fig. 144: Brightness and contrast

Automatic control

1.Enable the "Automatic" option to activate the auto control for exposure time, brightness and gain.

2.Define the target value which should be set via the "Brightness reference" slider. Under normal conditions, a reference value of 128 is sufficient.

3.Set the value for the maximum exposure time via the "Exposure limit" slider. This upper limit is not exceeded in automatic mode.

4.Set the value for the maximum gain via the "Gain limit" slider. This upper limit is not exceeded in automatic mode.

Manual control

1.Enable the "Manual" option to set the exposure time and gain manually.

2.Set the exposure time via the "Exposure time" slider. The available exposure time range depends on the pixel clock setting and the frame rate. A low frame rate setting allows long exposure times. A high frame rate setting reduces the maximum possible exposure time.

3.Set the gain value for overall image brightness via the "Gain" slider. Master gain = 100 % means maximum gain. The maximum possible gain factor depends on the sensor model you are using, see Camera and sensor data.

Black level

Via the "Offset" slider you set the black level of the sensor signal. Only an additive offset is possible (increase of the black level).

The sensor adjusts the black level of the pixels automatically by default. If the environment is very bright, it can be necessary to adjust the black level manually. High gain may offset the black level.

Resetting the parameters

Click on the "Default" button to reset all parameters to the model-specific defaults.

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