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IDS Software Suite 4.96.1

You can set sharpness and edge enhancement for the USB uEye XS. Additionally you can activate the gamma.

Open the "Sharpness" dialog via "Camera > Sharpness".

Fig. 145: Sharpness

Fig. 145: Sharpness

Setting the sharpness

1.Use the "Sharpness" slider to increase or reduce the image sharpness. The default value is 0 (see is_Sharpness()).

2.Use the "Edge enhancement" slider to activate a software filter which strengthens the edges in the image. The edge enhancement function causes a higher CPU load (see is_EdgeEnhancement().

Noise suppression and gamma

Enable the "Hardware sensor gamma" option to activate the gamma correction by the hardware. This gamma correction works with a fixed factor.

Resetting the parameters

Click on the "Default" button to reset all parameters to the model-specific defaults.

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