Device ControlΒΆ
Device Control contains features that provide information of the capabilities of the device. There are also features that describe the particular device in detail. These features can be used in applications to query the capabilities of the device and report them to the end user if needed.
Below is a list of the available features that are contained in the specific category.
Node Name | Description |
DeviceType | Returns the device type. |
DeviceScanType | Scan type of the sensor of the device. |
DeviceVendorName | Name of the manufacturer of the device. |
DeviceModelName | Model of the device. |
DeviceFamilyName | Identifier of the product family of the device. |
DeviceManufacturerInfo | Provides additional information from the vendor about the device. |
DeviceVersion | Version of the device. |
DeviceFirmwareVersion | Version of the firmware in the device. |
DeviceSerialNumber | Device’s unique serial number. |
DeviceUserID | A device ID string that is user-programmable. |
DeviceSFNCVersionMajor | Major version of the Standard Features Naming Convention (SFNC) that was used to create the device’s GenICam XML. |
DeviceSFNCVersionMinor | Minor version of the Standard Features Naming Convention (SFNC) that was used to create the device’s GenICam XML. |
DeviceSFNCVersionSubMinor | Sub minor version of the Standard Features Naming Convention (SFNC) that was used to create the device’s GenICam XML. |
DeviceManifestEntrySelector | Manifest entry selector. |
DeviceManifestXMLMajorVersion | Indicates the major version number of the GenICam XML file of the selected manifest entry. |
DeviceManifestXMLMinorVersion | Indicates the minor version number of the GenICam XML file of the selected manifest entry. |
DeviceManifestXMLSubMinorVersion | Indicates the sub minor version number of the GenICam XML file of the selected manifest entry. |
DeviceManifestSchemaMajorVersion | Indicates the major version number of the schema file of the selected manifest entry. |
DeviceManifestSchemaMinorVersion | Indicates the minor version number of the schema file of the selected manifest entry. |
DeviceManifestPrimaryURL | Indicates the first URL to the GenICam XML device description file of the selected manifest entry. |
DeviceManifestSecondaryURL | Indicates the second URL to the GenICam XML device description file of the selected manifest entry. |
DeviceTLType | Transport Layer type of the device. |
DeviceTLVersionMajor | Major version of the Transport Layer of the device. |
DeviceTLVersionMinor | Minor version of the Transport Layer of the device. |
DeviceTLVersionSubMinor | Sub minor version of the Transport Layer of the device. |
DeviceMaxThroughput | Maximum bandwidth of the data that can be streamed out of the device. |
DeviceLinkSelector | Selects which Link of the device to control. In general, the device only has one link. |
DeviceLinkSpeed | Indicates the speed of transmission negotiated on the specified Link selected by DeviceLinkSelector. |
DeviceLinkThroughputLimitMode | Controls if the DeviceLinkThroughputLimit is active. |
DeviceLinkThroughputLimit | Limits the maximum bandwidth of the data that will be streamed out by the device on the selected Link. |
DeviceLinkThroughputReserve | Allocates the maximum percentage of bandwidth reserved for re-transmissions. |
DeviceLinkHeartbeatMode | Activate or deactivate the selected Link’s heartbeat. |
DeviceLinkHeartbeatTimeout | Controls the current heartbeat timeout of the specific Link in microseconds. |
DeviceLinkCommandTimeout | Indicates the command timeout of the specified Link in microseconds. |
DeviceStreamChannelCount | Indicates the number of stream channels supported by the device. |
DeviceStreamChannelSelector | Selects the stream channel to control. |
DeviceStreamChannelType | Reports the type of the stream channel. |
DeviceStreamChannelEndianness | Endianness of multi-byte pixel data for this stream. |
DeviceStreamChannelPacketSize | Specifies the stream packet size, in bytes, to send on the selected channel for the device. |
DeviceEventChannelCount | Indicates the number of event channels supported by the device. |
DeviceCharacterSet | Character set used by all the strings of the device. |
DeviceReset | Resets the device to its power up state. |
DeviceFactoryReset | Resets device to factory defaults. |
FirmwareUpdate | Starts a firmware update. |
DeviceFeaturePersistenceStart | Indicate to the device and GenICam XML to get ready for persisting of all streamable features. |
DeviceFeaturePersistenceEnd | Indicate to the device the end of feature persistence. |
DeviceRegistersStreamingStart | Prepare the device for registers streaming without checking for consistency. |
DeviceRegistersStreamingEnd | Announce the end of registers streaming. |
DeviceIndicatorMode | Controls the behavior of the indicator LED showing the status of the Device. |
DeviceTemperatureSelector | Selects the temperature sensor to read from. |
DeviceTemperature | Device temperature in degrees Celsius. |
DevicePressure | The internal device pressure in kilopascals. |
DevicePower | Device power in Watts. |
DeviceClockSelector | Selects the clock frequency to access from the device. |
DeviceClockFrequency | Returns the frequency of the selected Clock. |
Timestamp | Reports the current value of the device timestamp counter. |
TimestampReset | Resets the current value of the device timestamp counter. Executing this command causes the timestamp counter to restart automatically. |
TimestampLatch | Latches the current timestamp counter into TimestampLatchValue. |
TimestampLatchValue | Returns the latched value of the timestamp counter. |
DeviceUpTime | Time the device has been powered in seconds. |
LinkUpTime | Time the device link has been established in seconds. |