PixelFormat |
Format of the pixels provided by the device. |
PixelColorFilter |
Type of color filter that is applied to the image. |
IspBayerPattern |
Reports the image Bayer pattern in the ISP. |
SensorWidth |
Effective width of the sensor in pixels. |
SensorHeight |
Effective height of the sensor in pixels. |
WidthMax |
Maximum width of the image in pixels. |
HeightMax |
Maximum height of the image in pixels. |
PhysicalPixelSize |
None |
ADCBitDepth |
None |
ImagerWidth |
Width of the sensor image after binning and decimation. |
ImagerHeight |
Height of the sensor image after binning and decimation. |
ImagerOffsetX |
Horizontal offset from the origin of the sensor region. |
ImagerOffsetY |
Vertical offset from the origin of the sensor region. |
Width |
Width of the image provided by the device in pixels. |
Height |
Height of the image provided by the device in pixels. |
OffsetX |
Horizontal offset from the origin to the region of interest in pixels. |
OffsetY |
Vertical offset from the origin to the region of interest in pixels. |
PixelSize |
Total size in bits of a pixel of the image. |
ReverseX |
Flip horizontally the image sent by the device. |
ReverseY |
Flip vertically the image sent by the device. |
PixelDynamicRangeMin |
Minimum value that can be returned during the digitization process. |
PixelDynamicRangeMax |
Maximum value that can be returned during the digitization process. |
TestPattern |
Selects the type of test pattern that is generated by the device as image source. |