Scan3dDistanceUnit |
Specifies the unit used when delivering (calibrated) distance data. |
Scan3dCoordinateSystem |
Specifies the Coordinate system to use for the device. |
Scan3dCoordinateSelector |
Selects the individual coordinates in the vectors for 3D information/transformation. |
Scan3dCoordinateScale |
Scale factor when transforming a pixel from relative coordinates to world coordinates. |
Scan3dCoordinateOffset |
Offset when transforming a pixel from relative coordinates to world coordinates. |
Scan3dAxisMax |
Maximum valid transmitted coordinate value of the selected Axis. |
Scan3dModeSelector |
Selects which Scan 3D Mode is enabled. |
Scan3dOperatingMode |
Selects the time of flight operating mode. |
Scan3dIlluminatorStatusAll |
Status of all the illuminators. |
Scan3dIlluminatorSelector |
Selects the illuminator. |
Scan3dIlluminatorStatus |
Status of the diffuser for the selected illuminator. |
Scan3dAmplitudeGain |
Linear gain applied to amplitude image. |
Scan3dDistanceMin |
Controls the minimum of the radial distance. A non-zero minimum will extend the maximum measurable distance. |
Scan3dDistanceMax |
Controls the maximum of the radial distance. |
Scan3dCommunicationChannel |
Selects which communication channel to use to avoid interference between multiple devices. |
Scan3dCoordinateTransformSelector |
Sets the index to read/write a coordinate transform value. |
Scan3dTransformValue |
Specifies the transform value selected. For translations it is expressed in the distance unit of the system, for rotations in degrees. |
Scan3dConfidenceThresholdEnable |
Controls if the confidence threshold is enabled and applied to the output. |
Scan3dConfidenceThresholdMin |
Controls the minimum threshold value that determines whether or not the depth of a pixel is reliable. |
Scan3dSpatialFilterEnable |
Controls if spatial filtering is applied. |
Scan3dFlyingPixelsRemovalEnable |
Controls if the filter for removing flying pixels is applied. |
Scan3dFlyingPixelsDistanceThreshold |
Controls the distance threshold in the filter for removing flying pixels. |
Scan3dImageAccumulation |
Number of images to accumulate. |
Scan3dHDRMode |
Specifies high dynamic range (HDR) mode. |