CounterSelector |
Selects which Counter to configure. |
CounterEventSource |
Select the events that will be the source to increment the Counter. |
CounterEventActivation |
Selects the Activation mode Event Source signal. |
CounterTriggerSource |
Selects the source to start the Counter. |
CounterTriggerActivation |
Selects the Activation mode of the trigger to start the Counter. |
CounterResetSource |
Select the signals that will be the source to reset the Counter. |
CounterResetActivation |
Selects the Activation mode of the Counter Reset Source signal. |
CounterReset |
Does a software reset of the selected Counter and starts it. |
CounterValue |
Reads or writes the current value of the selected Counter. |
CounterValueAtReset |
Reads value of the selected Counter when it was reset by a trigger or by an explicit CounterReset command. |
CounterDuration |
Sets the duration (or number of events) before the Counter End event is generated. |
CounterStatus |
Returns the current status of the Counter. |
TimerSelector |
Selects which Timer to configure. |
TimerTriggerSource |
Selects the source to start the Timer. |
TimerTriggerActivation |
Selects the Activation mode of the trigger to start the Timer. |
TimerDuration |
Sets the duration (in microseconds) of the Timer pulse. |
TimerDelay |
Sets the duration (in microseconds) of the delay to apply at the reception of a trigger before stating the Timer. |
TimerReset |
Does a software reset of the selected Timer and starts it. |
TimerValue |
Reads or writes the current value of the selected Timer. |
TimerStatus |
Returns the current status of the Timer. |