Scan 3D ControlΒΆ

Node Name Description
Scan3dDistanceUnit Specifies the unit used when delivering (calibrated) distance data.
Scan3dCoordinateSystem Specifies the Coordinate system to use for the device.
Scan3dCoordinateSelector Selects the individual coordinates in the vectors for 3D information/transformation.
Scan3dCoordinateScale Scale factor when transforming a pixel from relative coordinates to world coordinates.
Scan3dCoordinateOffset Offset when transforming a pixel from relative coordinates to world coordinates.
Scan3dAxisMax Maximum valid transmitted coordinate value of the selected Axis.
Scan3dModeSelector Selects which Scan 3D Mode is enabled.
Scan3dOperatingMode Selects the time of flight operating mode.
Scan3dIlluminatorStatusAll Status of all the illuminators.
Scan3dIlluminatorSelector Selects the illuminator.
Scan3dIlluminatorStatus Status of the diffuser for the selected illuminator.
Scan3dAmplitudeGain Linear gain applied to amplitude image.
Scan3dDistanceMin Controls the minimum of the radial distance. A non-zero minimum will extend the maximum measurable distance.
Scan3dDistanceMax Controls the maximum of the radial distance.
Scan3dCommunicationChannel Selects which communication channel to use to avoid interference between multiple devices.
Scan3dCoordinateTransformSelector Sets the index to read/write a coordinate transform value.
Scan3dTransformValue Specifies the transform value selected. For translations it is expressed in the distance unit of the system, for rotations in degrees.
Scan3dConfidenceThresholdEnable Controls if the confidence threshold is enabled and applied to the output.
Scan3dKeepAmplitudeForInvalidPixels Controls if the confidence threshold is applied to the amplitude.
Scan3dConfidenceThresholdMin Controls the minimum threshold value that determines whether or not the depth of a pixel is reliable.
Scan3dSpatialFilterEnable Controls if spatial filtering is applied.
Scan3dFlyingPixelsRemovalEnable Controls if the filter for removing flying pixels is applied.
Scan3dFlyingPixelsDistanceThreshold Controls the distance threshold in the filter for removing flying pixels.
Scan3dImageAccumulation Number of images to accumulate.
Scan3dCornerRemovalEnable Controls if the Corner Removal is applied.
Scan3dCornerRemovalThreshold Controls the threshold for removing the corner pixels.