Transport Layer ControlΒΆ

Transport Layer Control includes a list of features related to the GigE Vision bootstrap registers and GigE Vision transport medium.

Node Name Description
PayloadSize Provides the number of bytes transferred for each image or chunk on the stream channel.
GigEVision Category that contains the features pertaining to the GigE Vision transport layer of the device.
PacketResendWindowFrameCount Number of frames in the packet resend window used to calculate the total number of packets that can be resent in that period.
ReceivedPacketResendCount Returns the number of received packet resend commands.
ValidPacketResendCount Returns the number of valid packet resends handled by the device.
UnavailablePacketResendCount Returns the number of unavailable packet resends handled by the device.
ShortReachModeEnable Enables short reach mode for Ethernet. Setting takes effect after reboot of camera.
PtpControl Category that contains the features related to the Precision Time Protocol (PTP) of the device.
