Alvium USB3, and MIPI CSI-2 Cameras

Alvium USB3, and MIPI CSI-2 Cameras

Allied Vision Alvium USB3 and MIPI CSI-2 cameras with a very compact size and very low power dissipation are designed for use in highly demanding machine vision and embedded vision applications. They are available in compact housing or bare board and in numerous configurations - WVGA to 20.2MP resolution Sony or ON Semi sensors, and frame rates up to 464 fps. The patented ALVIUM System on Chip (SoC) for image corrections and on-board preprocessing tasks off-loads the host CPU from time consuming tasks.

All Alvium cameras are backed by one of the industry's most comprehensive SDKs (VIMBA X Software Development Kit) and includes a 3 year warranty.

  • WVGA to 5MP
  • ON Semi CMOS, SONY CMOS and SenSWIR sensors
  • Up to 464 fps
  • USB3 Vision or MIPI CSI-2 interface
  • Very low power (e.g., 1.2W)
  • 256kB memory buffer
  • On-board image preprocessing
  • 4 GPIO
  • Available in compact housing or as a bare board
  • Lowest cost models
Get Quote Model Interface
Frame Rate
Scan Type
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 U-030 VSWIRUSB3656x52012223fpsSony IMX9911/4"5(h) 5(v)SWIRArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 U-040USB3728x54412461fpsSony IMX2871/2.9"6.9(h) 6.9(v)color and monochrome modelsArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 U-050USB3808x60810117fpsON Semi PYTHON 4801/3.6"4.8(h) 4.8(v)color and monochrome modelsArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 U-052USB3816x62412626fpsSony IMX4261/1.7"9(h) 9(v)color and monochrome modelsArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 U-120USB31280x9601252fpsON Semi AR0135CS1/3"3.75(h) 3.75(v)color and monochrome modelsArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 U-1236USB34112x30081222fpsSony IMX3041.1"3.45(h) 3.45(v)color and monochrome modelsArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 U-1240USB34024x30361035fpsSony IMX2261/1.7"1.85(h) 1.85(v)color and monochrome modelsArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 U-1242USB34128x30081033fpsSony IMX5451/1.1"2.74(h) 2.74(v)color and monochrome modelsArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 U-130 VSWIRUSB31296x103212119fpsSony IMX9901/2"5(h) 5(v)SWIRArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 U-158USB31456x108812248fpsSony IMX2731/2.9"3.45(h) 3.45(v)color and monochrome modelsArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 U-1620USB35328x30401226fpsSony IMX5421.1"2.74(h) 2.74(v)color and monochrome modelsArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 U-2040USB34512x45121217fpsSony IMX5411.1"2.74(h) 2.74(v)color and monochrome modelsArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 U-2050USB35496x36721021fpsSony IMX1831"2.4(h) 2.4(v)color and monochrome modelsArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 U-234USB31936x12161240fpsSony IMX2491/1.2"5.86(h) 5.86(v)color and monochrome modelsArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 U-235USB31936x121612155fpsSony IMX1741/1.2"5.86(h) 5.86(v)color and monochrome modelsArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 U-240USB31936x121612173fpsSony IMX3921/2.3"3.45(h) 3.45(v)color and monochrome modelsArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 U-2460USB35328x46081217fpsSony IMX5401.2"2.74(h) 2.74(v)color and monochrome modelsArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 U-291USB31944x147212114fpsSony IMX4212/3"4.5(h) 4.5(v)color and monochrome modelsArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 U-319USB32064x15441253fpsSony IMX2651/1.8"3.45(h) 3.45(v)color and monochrome modelsArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 U-320 VSWIRUSB32080x154412125fpsSony IMX9931/1.8"3.45(h) 3.45(v)SWIRArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 U-500USB32592x19441068fpsON Semi AR05211/2.5"2.2(h) 2.2(v)color and monochrome modelsArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 U-501USB32592x19441068fpsON Semi AR0522 1/2.5"2.2(h) 2.2(v)NIRArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 U-507USB32464x20561234fpsSony IMX2642/3"3.45(h) 3.45(v)color and monochrome modelsArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 U-508USB32464x20561265fpsSony IMX2502/3"3.45(h) 3.45(v)color and monochrome modelsArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 U-510USB32464x20641279fpsSony IMX5481/1.8"2.74(h) 2.74(v)color and monochrome modelsArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 U-511USB32464x20641278fpsSony IMX5471/1.8"2.74(h) 2.74(v)color and monochrome modelsArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 U-530 VSWIRUSB32592x20561277fpsSony IMX9921/1.4"3.45(h) 3.45(v)SWIRArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 U-811USB32848x28481251fpsSony IMX5462/3"2.74(h) 2.74(v)color and monochrome modelsArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 U-812 UVUSB32848x28481250fpsSony IMX4872/3"2.74(h) 2.74(v)UV/BWArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1500 C-050CSI-2808x608 10117fpsON Semi PYTHON 4801/3.6"4.8(h) 4.8(v)color and monochrome modelsArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1500 C-120CSI-21280x9601252fpsON Semi AR0135CS1/3"3.75(h) 3.75(v)color and monochrome modelsArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1500 C-210CSI-21928x108810119fpsON Semi AR05211/3.6"2.2(h) 2.2(v)color and monochrome modelsArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1500 C-500CSI-22592x19441068fpsON Semi AR05211/2.5"2.2(h) 2.2(v)color and monochrome modelsArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1500 C-501 NIR CSI-22592x19441068fpsON Semi AR05221/2.5"2.2(h) 2.2(v)NIRArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 C-030 VSWIRCSI-2656x52012223fpsSony IMX9911/4"5(h) 5(v)SWIRArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 C-040CSI-2728x54412289fpsSony IMX2871/2.9"6.9(h) 6.9(v)color and monochrome modelsArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 C-052CSI-2816x62412464fpsSony IMX4261/1.7"9(h) 9(v)color and monochrome modelsArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 C-1236CSI-24112x30081222fpsSony IMX3041.1"3.45(h) 3.45(v)color and monochrome modelsArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 C-1240CSI-24024x30361041fpsSony IMX2261/1.7"1.85(h) 1.85(v)color and monochrome modelsArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 C-1242CSI-24128x30081239fpsSony IMX5451/1.1"2.74(h) 2.74(v)color and monochrome modelsArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 C-130 VSWIRCSI-21296x103212119fpsSony IMX9901/2"5(h) 5(v)SWIRArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 C-158CSI-21456x108812153fpsSony IMX2731/2.9"3.45(h) 3.45(v)color and monochrome modelsArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 C-1620CSI-25328x30401230fpsSony IMX5421.1"2.74(h) 2.74(v)color and monochrome modelsArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 C-2040CSI-24512x45121224fpsSony IMX5411.1"2.74(h) 2.74(v)color and monochrome modelsArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 C-2050CSI-25376x36941025fpsSony IMX1831"2.4(h) 2.4(v)color and monochrome modelsArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 C-234CSI-21936x12161240fpsSony IMX2491/1.2"5.86(h) 5.86(v)color and monochrome modelsArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 C-235CSI-21936x121612155fpsSony IMX1741/1.2"5.86(h) 5.86(v)color and monochrome modelsArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 C-240CSI-21936x121612126fpsSony IMX3921/2.3"3.45(h) 3.45(v)color and monochrome modelsArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 C-2460CSI-25320x46001220fpsSony IMX5401.2"2.74(h) 2.74(v)color and monochrome modelsArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 C-291CSI-21944x147212114fpsSony IMX4212/3"4.5(h) 4.5(v)color and monochrome modelsArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 C-319CSI-22064x15441253fpsSony IMX2651/1.8"3.45(h) 3.45(v)color and monochrome modelsArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 C-320 VSWIRCSI-22080x154412131fpsSony IMX9931/1.8"3.45(h) 3.45(v)SWIRArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 C-500CSI-22592x19441068fpsON Semi AR05211/2.5"2.2(h) 2.2(v)color and monochrome modelsArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 C-507CSI-22464x20561234fpsSony IMX2642/3"3.45(h) 3.45(v)color and monochrome modelsArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 C-508CSI-22464x20561265fpsSony IMX2502/3"3.45(h) 3.45(v)color and monochrome modelsArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 C-510CSI-22464x20641281fpsSony IMX5481/1.8"2.74(h) 2.74(v)color and monochrome modelsArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 C-511CSI-22472x20641278fpsSony IMX5471/1.8"2.74(h) 2.74(v)color and monochrome modelsArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 C-530 VSWIRCSI-22592x20561284fpsSony IMX9921/1.4"3.45(h) 3.45(v)SWIRArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 C-811CSI-22848x28481258fpsSony IMX5462/3"2.74(h) 2.74(v)color and monochrome modelsArea Scan
get a quote for this product Alvium 1800 C-812 UVCSI-22848x28481258fpsSony IMX4872/3"2.74(h) 2.74(v)UV/BWArea Scan

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