IDS Imaging uEye LE USB 2.0 Cameras

IDS Imaging uEye LE USB 2.0 Cameras

Not recommended for new designs IDS uEye LE USB2.0 board-level and housed series monochrome and color cameras are designed for industrial inspection, robotics, medical, scientific imaging, microscopy, kiosks, as well as wide variety of other demanding automated imaging and machine vision applications. Offering WVGA to 10.6MP resolution sensors from such manufacturers as ON Semi and Teledyne e2V. All IDS imaging USB 2.0 cameras are backed by one of the industry’s most comprehensive SDKs (Software Development Kit), and offer long production lifecycles in excess of 10 years.

  • VGA to 10.5MP ON Semi/e2V CMOS sensors
  • 1/3" to 1/1.8" sensor format
  • C/CS-Mount ABS housed & M12/No-mount board level
  • Lowest cost USB models
  • 48.6 x 44 x 25.6mm housed, 36 x 36mm board level
  • UVC version available for OS flexibility
Get Quote Model Interface
Frame Rate
Scan Type
get a quote for this product UI-124xLEUSB 2.01280x1024825fpse2v EV76C5601/1.8"5.3(h) 5.3(v)color and monochrome modelsArea Scan
get a quote for this product UI-124xLE-NIRUSB 2.01280x1024825fpse2v EV76C6611/1.8"5.3(h) 5.3(v)NIRArea Scan
get a quote for this product UI-125xLEUSB 2.01600x12001018fpse2v EV76C5701/1.8"4.5(h) 4.5(v)color and monochrome modelsArea Scan
this product is discontinued UI-149xLEUSB 2.03840x276083fpsON Semi MT9J0031/2"1.67(h) 1.67(v)color and monochrome modelsArea Scan
this product is discontinued UI-158xLEUSB 2.02560x192086fpsON Semi MT9P0061/2"2.2(h) 2.2(v)color modelArea Scan
