Opto Engineering PCPW 360° polyview lenses are multi-view lenses designed to capture multiple sides of an object in one image with one camera – instead of placing multiple cameras around and above the object. The wide angle of view with 45° object side views produce 8 different views that are combined into a single image. Even minute imperfections are revealed by these high resolution polyview lenses.
PCPW polyview lenses capture the sides and top of an image. For holed objects instead of the top and outer surfaces, the inner and outer surfaces are imaged. PCPW polyview lenses are commonly used in machine vision to inspect objects such as screws, nuts and other parts.
Opto Engineering 360° lenses are high quality lenses with superb optical performance. They are specifically designed for 360° imaging and inspection applications. There are many 360° lenses and options. Our Sales Engineers can provide expert advice and guidance on selecting the right lens for your machine vision 360° imaging application. Please contact us if you would like more information.
As shown in the diagram below, the 8 different trapezoidal fields of view provide the 8 different 45° angle of view to image the sides and top of a cylindrical object. If an object is hollow instead of the top and outer walls of the object, the inner and outer walls are imaged.