Opto Engineering TC4MHR Telecentric Lenses
Telecentric lenses for sensors up to 4/3"

Opto Engineering TC4MHR telecentric lens for sensors up to 4/3" Opto Engineering TC4MHR telecentric lenses are designed for sensors up to 4/3". They feature high resolution, low distortion, and consistent image quality at a great performance-to-price ratio. TC4MHR telecentric lenses provide are an outstanding solution for advanced metrology applications that require high resolution and precision.

Built for industrial environments with their compact size and robust design, these telecentric lenses can be easily integrated into industrial machine vision applications. In addition, there's a set screw located in the eyepiece that makes camera phase adjustments easy.

  • Designed for sensors up to 4/3"
  • Excellent resolution
  • Low distortion
  • Compact & robust design
  • Easy phase adjustment
  • Detailed test report with measured optical parameters

Opto Engineering telecentric lenses include a wide variety of lenses for area and line scan cameras. Contact us if you would like help choosing the right lens for your industrial machine vision applications.

Product User Guide Back focal adjustment
Main optical specifications Object field of view Advanced optical specifications Mechanical specifications Data
Mag. Image
1” 1.1” 4/3” Working
Mount Length Front
14.19 x 7.51 14.16 x 10.37 18.93 x 10.61
(x) (mm) (mm × mm) (mm × mm) (mm × mm) (mm) (deg) (%) (mm) (mm) (mm)
1 2 3 4 5 6 9
TC4MHRP004-C4 224/3"3.55 x 1.88 3.54 x 2.594.73 x 2.655618<0.08 (0.10)<0.08 (0.10)0.1C155.228 Download datasheet
TC4MHRP004-F4224/3"3.55 x 1.883.54 x 2.594.73 x 2.655618<0.08 (0.10)<0.08 (0.10)0.1F126.228Download datasheet
TC4MHRP004-J4224/3"3.55 x 1.883.54 x 2.594.73 x 2.655618<0.08 (0.10)<0.08 (0.10)0.1M42x1 FD 12160.728Download datasheet
TC4MHRP007-C2.667224/3"5.32 x 2.825.31 x 3.897.10 x 3.9860.116<0.08 (0.10)<0.08 (0.10)0.1C134.228Download datasheet
TC4MHRP007-F2.667224/3"5.32 x 2.825.31 x 3.897.10 x 3.9860.116<0.08 (0.10)<0.08 (0.10)0.1F105.228Download datasheet
TC4MHRP007-J2.667224/3"5.32 x 2.825.31 x 3.897.10 x 3.9860.116<0.08 (0.10)<0.08 (0.10)0.1M42x1 FD 12139.728Download datasheet
TC4MHRP009-C2224/3"7.10 x 3.767.08 x 5.199.47 x 5.3162.216<0.08 (0.10)<0.08 (0.10)0.2C111.628Download datasheet
TC4MHRP009-F2224/3"7.10 x 3.767.08 x 5.199.47 x 5.3162.216<0.08 (0.10)<0.08 (0.10)0.2F82.628Download datasheet
TC4MHRP009-J2224/3"7.10 x 3.767.08 x 5.199.47 x 5.3162.216<0.08 (0.10)<0.08 (0.10)0.2M42x1 FD 12117.128Download datasheet
TC4MHRP016-C1.054224/3"13.46 x 7.1313.43 x 9.8417.96 x 10.0743.116<0.07 (0.10)<0.05 (0.10)0.7C169.237.7Download datasheet
TC4MHRP016-F1.054224/3"13.46 x 7.1313.43 x 9.8417.96 x 10.0743.116<0.07 (0.10)<0.05 (0.10)0.7F140.337.7Download datasheet
TC4MHRP016-J1.054224/3"13.46 x 7.1313.43 x 9.8417.96 x 10.0743.116<0.07 (0.10)<0.05 (0.10)0.7M42x1 FD 12174.837.7Download datasheet
TC4MHRP024-C0.699224/3"20.30 x 10.7420.26 x 14.8427.08 x 15.1867.211<0.07 (0.10)<0.05 (0.10)1.2C194.344Download datasheet
TC4MHRP024-F0.699224/3"20.30 x 10.7420.26 x 14.8427.08 x 15.1867.211<0.07 (0.10)<0.05 (0.10)1.2F16544Download datasheet
TC4MHRP024-J0.699224/3"20.30 x 10.7420.26 x 14.8427.08 x 15.1867.211<0.07 (0.10)<0.05 (0.10)1.2M42x1 FD 12199.944Download datasheet
TC4MHRP036-C0.486224/3"29.20 x 15.4529.14 x 21.3438.95 x 21.83102.611<0.04 (0.10)<0.06 (0.10)2.4C221.761Download datasheet
TC4MHRP036-F0.486224/3"29.20 x 15.4529.14 x 21.3438.95 x 21.83102.611<0.04 (0.10)<0.06 (0.10)2.4F192.661Download datasheet
TC4MHRP036-J0.486224/3"29.20 x 15.4529.14 x 21.3438.95 x 21.83102.611<0.04 (0.10)<0.06 (0.10)2.4M42x1 FD 12227.261Download datasheet
TC4MHRP048-C0.366224/3"38.77 x 20.5238.69 x 28.3351.72 x 28.99132.98<0.08 (0.10)<0.05 (0.10)3.1C244.275Download datasheet
TC4MHRP048-F0.366224/3"38.77 x 20.5238.69 x 28.3351.72 x 28.99132.98<0.08 (0.10)<0.05 (0.10)3.1F215.275Download datasheet
TC4MHRP048-J0.366224/3"38.77 x 20.5238.69 x 28.3351.72 x 28.99132.98<0.08 (0.10)<0.05 (0.10)3.1M42x1 FD 12249.775Download datasheet
TC4MHRP056-C0.313224/3"45.34 x 23.9945.24 x 33.1360.48 x 33.90157.88<0.05 (0.10)<0.07 (0.10)4.2C267.680Download datasheet
TC4MHRP056-F0.313224/3"45.34 x 23.9945.24 x 33.1360.48 x 33.90157.88<0.05 (0.10)<0.07 (0.10)4.2F238.680Download datasheet
TC4MHRP056-J0.313224/3"45.34 x 23.9945.24 x 33.1360.48 x 33.90157.88<0.05 (0.10)<0.07 (0.10)4.2M42x1 FD 12273.180Download datasheet
TC4MHRP064-C0.274224/3"51.79 x 27.4151.68 x 37.8569.09 x 38.72181.98<0.04 (0.10)<0.08 (0.10)5.5C288.7100Download datasheet
TC4MHRP064-F0.274224/3"51.79 x 27.4151.68 x 37.8569.09 x 38.72181.98<0.04 (0.10)<0.08 (0.10)5.5F259.7100Download datasheet
TC4MHRP064-J0.274224/3"51.79 x 27.4151.68 x 37.8569.09 x 38.72181.98<0.04 (0.10)<0.08 (0.10)5.5M42x1 FD 12294.2100Download datasheet
TC4MHRP080-C0.22224/3"64.50 x 34.1464.36 x 47.1486.05 x 48.23226.88<0.04 (0.10)<0.08 (0.10)8.6C334.5116Download datasheet
TC4MHRP080-F0.22224/3"64.50 x 34.1464.36 x 47.1486.05 x 48.23226.88<0.04 (0.10)<0.08 (0.10)8.6F305.5116Download datasheet
TC4MHRP080-J0.22224/3"64.50 x 34.1464.36 x 47.1486.05 x 48.23226.88<0.04 (0.10)<0.08 (0.10)8.6M42x1 FD 12340116Download datasheet
TC4MHRP096-C0.185224/3"76.70 x 40.5976.54 x 56.05102.32 x 57.35278.68<0.05 (0.10)<0.04 (0.10)12.1C374.7143Download datasheet
TC4MHRP096-F0.185224/3"76.70 x 40.5976.54 x 56.05102.32 x 57.35278.68<0.05 (0.10)<0.04 (0.10)12.1F345.7143Download datasheet
TC4MHRP096-J0.185224/3"76.70 x 40.5976.54 x 56.05102.32 x 57.35278.68<0.05 (0.10)<0.04 (0.10)12.1M42x1 FD 12380.2143Download datasheet
TC4MHRP120-C0.143224/3"99.23 x 52.5299.02 x 72.52132.38 x 74.20334.68<0.05 (0.10)<0.05 (0.10)20.2C461.1180Download datasheet
TC4MHRP120-F0.143224/3"99.23 x 52.5299.02 x 72.52132.38 x 74.20334.68<0.05 (0.10)<0.05 (0.10)20.2F432.1180Download datasheet
TC4MHRP120-J0.143224/3"99.23 x 52.5299.02 x 72.52132.38 x 74.20334.68<0.05 (0.10)<0.05 (0.10)20.2M42x1 FD 12466.6180Download datasheet
TC4MHRP144-C0.122224/3"116.31 x 61.56116.07 x 85.00155.16 x 86.973968<0.05 (0.10)<0.08 (0.10)27.8C520.5200Download datasheet
TC4MHRP144-F0.122224/3"116.31 x 61.56116.07 x 85.00155.16 x 86.973968<0.05 (0.10)<0.08 (0.10)27.8F491.6200Download datasheet
TC4MHRP144-J0.122224/3"116.31 x 61.56116.07 x 85.00155.16 x 86.973968<0.05 (0.10)<0.08 (0.10)27.8M42x1 FD 12526.1200Download datasheet
TC4MHRP192-C0.091224/3"155.93 x 82.53155.60 x 113.96208.02 x 116.59527.68<0.04 (0.10)<0.08 (0.10)50C661260Download datasheet
TC4MHRP192-F0.091224/3"155.93 x 82.53155.60 x 113.96208.02 x 116.59527.68<0.04 (0.10)<0.08 (0.10)50F632260Download datasheet
TC4MHRP192-J0.091224/3"155.93 x 82.53155.60 x 113.96208.02 x 116.59527.68<0.04 (0.10)<0.08 (0.10)50M42x1 FD 12666.5260Download datasheet
TC4MHRP240-C0.07321.84/3"194.38 x 102.88193.97 x 142.05259.32 x 145.34492.88<0.04 (0.10)<0.04 (0.10)77.7C813.2322Download datasheet
TC4MHRP240-F0.07321.84/3"194.38 x 102.88193.97 x 142.05259.32 x 145.34492.88<0.04 (0.10)<0.04 (0.10)77.7F784.2322Download datasheet
TC4MHRP240-J0.07321.84/3"194.38 x 102.88193.97 x 142.05259.32 x 145.34492.88<0.04 (0.10)<0.04 (0.10)77.7M42x1 FD 12818.7322Download datasheet
TC4MHRP308-C0.059224/3"240.51 x 127.29240.00 x 175.76320.85 x 179.835008<0.09 (0.10)<0.07 (0.10)118.9C970.4417Download datasheet
TC4MHRP308-F0.059224/3"240.51 x 127.29240.00 x 175.76320.85 x 179.835008<0.09 (0.10)<0.07 (0.10)118.9F941.4417Download datasheet
TC4MHRP308-J0.059224/3"240.51 x 127.29240.00 x 175.76320.85 x 179.835008<0.09 (0.10)<0.07 (0.10)118.9M42x1 FD 12975.9417Download datasheet


  1. With IMX387 (21.7 mm diagonal) sensors, the FOV may show some vignetting at the image corners.
  2. Working distance: distance between the front end of the mechanics and the object. Set this distance within +/- 3% of the nominal value for maximum resolution and minimum distortion.
  3. Working f-number (wf/N): the real f-number of a lens in operating conditions.
  4. Maximum angle between chief rays and optical axis on the object side. Typical (average production) values and maximum (guaranteed) values are listed.
  5. Percent deviation of the real image compared to an ideal, undistorted image. Typical (average production) values and maximum (guaranteed) values are listed.
  6. At the borders of the field depth the image can be still used for measurement but, to get a very sharp image, only half of the nominal field depth should be considered. Pixel size used for calculation is 3.45 μm.
  7. Object side, calculated with the Rayleigh criterion with λ= 520 nm
  8. Indicates the availability of an integrated camera phase adjustment feature.
  9. Measured from the front end of the mechanics to the camera flange.