1stVision Knowledgebase

Read technical information on industrial machine vision imaging including cameras, machine vision lenses, and machine vision lighting imaging products, and other technical articles including 'how to' articles to get the most out of your machine vision imaging products. See the glossaries, standards, and case study sections for additional information on machine vision topics.

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Tech Brief: Which type of 3D imaging is best for my application?

3D machine vision provides contactless measurement. Learn the key approaches and their capabilities, constraints, and comparative costs.

SWIR Cameras offer new applications in machine vision

Seeing beyond the visible - short-wave infrared (SWIR) cameras offer new application fields in machine vision.

Tech Brief: Enhance Contrast with Monochrome Filters

This Tech Brief addresses the benefits of using Midwest Optical filters to create contrast, with a focus on monochrome applications, also including color-as-monochrome techniques.

Tech Brief: Enhance Contrast with Color Filters

This Tech Brief addresses the benefits of using Midwest Optical filters to create contrast, with a focus on color applications.

Tech Tip: IDS Multi AOI (Area of Interest) Function

You need a larger field of view for your inspection, but you just need single parts of your image while processing at high speed? The multi AOI function allows defining more than one AOI in an image and transferring these AOIs all at the same time.

Calculate your Camera resolution

This spreadsheet will calculate the required camera resolution based on a known feature size, field of view and desired # of pixels across the feature. It will provide the results in camera resolution required based on the input.

User Guide: Optimizing network adapters for DALSA Genie cameras

This user guide describes how to optimize performance when using Intel network adapters and Teledyne DALSA Genie cameras.

Sony Pregius / Starvis & ON SEMI Sensors at a glance

This document provides an overview of Sony Pregius, Sony Starvis and ON-SEMI Python image sensor model #s, for comparison. Resolution, frame rates, and additional data such as pixel well depth and dark current noise are included for a quick overview.

Why it makes sense to switch to USB3.0 now!

This white paper discusses how USB3.0 is an excellent interface for industrial imaging applications. It details the progression from USB2, CPU usage, cable lengths, controllers and multi-camera configurations.

USB3.0 for Machine Vision – Absolutely!

This white paper discusses why USB3.0 is now a great interface for machine vision applications. The paper covers todays requirements, comparisons of various interfaces and benefits of moving to a USB3.0 interface.

High Dynamic Range (HDR ) Imaging for Machine Vision

This white paper provides a technical background explaining HDR imaging. You will learn about various methods used to achieve HDR images including sequential imagine fusion, multi-slope pixel integration and dual-sensor image fusion.

How to calculate line rate on a line scan camera based on conveyor speed

Unless one calculates and sets the line rate correctly, there’s a risk of blur and sub-optimal performance. And/or purchasing a line scan camera that’s not up to the task; or that’s overkill and costs you more than would have been needed. We explain the concepts in this blog, and provide a freely downloadable annotated line rate calculator. Please click the title link and the blog link to get the full benefits.

Polarization techniques with line scan cameras

With spatial correction, line scan polarization cameras detect birefringence, stress, surface roughness and physical properties that cannot be detected with conventional imaging. Read this white paper to understand this unique polarization technique using line scan cameras.

Application note: Comparing Teledyne DALSA TurboDrive v2.0 with TurboDrive v1.0

Teledyne DALSA TurboDrive v2.0 is an evolution from the original TurboDrive v1.0, allowing greater user-control and minimum guaranteed image compression that provides dependable bandwidth. This application note details the TurboDrive v2.0 features , highlights the improvements from TurboDrive v1.0, and provides general information on using TurboDrive.

Tech Brief: What is camera noise?

Different types of noise: understanding each type and how it impacts camera selection and application design. In this Tech Brief we take the top 10 concepts one needs to understand and make them as clear as possible, through text and illustrations.

Imaging Basics: Calculating resolution for machine vision

This article describes how to calculate resolution for machine vision applications.

Tech Tip: How to configure autofocus on a IDS uEye "LE" camera

This tech tip provides additional help & tips on how to pre-configure the autofocus for an application. In depth explanations of the methods are covered.

10GigE Technology Guide - JAI Whitepaper

This tech tip provides additional help & tips on how to pre-configure the autofocus for an application. In depth explanations of the methods are covered.

Keys to choosing the best image sensor

While reviewing the full specification for an industrial image sensor can seem daunting, understanding a few basic parameters can greatly help in matching an image sensor and industrial camera to a given application. This whitepaper provides an overview of some key image sensor specifications and operating modes to help guide users in this process.

Machine Vision Camera Sensor Attributes Explained

Once the general machine vision camera sensor requirements for a specific application are clear, how does one choose among competing camera models and sensors which appear similar - but in fact may have important differences? This whitepaper makes sensor performance characteristics accessible, clarifying concepts like sensitivity, various forms of noise, dynamic range, signal to nose ratio, and more.

3D Time-of-Flight (ToF) sensors for machine vision

Three-dimensional (3D) imaging is used in many different industries ranging from industrial pick and place, palletization/depalletization, warehouse, robotics and metrology applications to consumer-based products such as drones, safety and security, and patient monitoring applications. No one specific type of 3D technology can solve all these different types of applications and the features of each must be compared as to their suitability for each application.

Camera interfaces explained

There are a number of different standardized interfaces by which a camera may be controlled by a computer host, and through which images are delivered to the host. Interfaces vary by bandwidth, cable length, cabling type, ease of integration, and cost, just to name a few key considerations. In this TechBrief we compare and contrast popular and evolving interface options, to help users choose among options best-suited for particular applications.

Components needed for machine vision and industrial imaging systems

Imaging systems typically include a least a camera and lens, and often also include one or more of specialized lighting, adapter cards, cables, software, optical filters, power supply, mount, or enclosure. Visit this resource page for more information on what components are needed for machine vision and industrial imaging systems.

Application Note - Thermal Imaging Technology for Fever Screening

This tech tip provides additional help & tips on how to pre-configure the autofocus for an application. In depth explanations of the methods are covered.

Machine Vision Lenses

Focal Length/FOV Lens Calculator

A Focal Length / FOV Calculator.

A Guide to Key Considerations in Machine Vision Lens Selection

Improper selection of a machine vision lens can make your camera selection useless – or severely under-performant. Besides the camera sensor and the lighting, the lens is a huge determinant of machine vision outcomes, so it’s well worth understanding enough about lens selection to make informed choices. We survey 10 key questions – and a couple of supplemental concepts – to consider when making a lens selection.

Machine Vision Lens Quality Considerations – A Comprehensive Guide

In this whitepaper we don't focus on how to choose lens size, or what f-stop you need, but rather on how to choose the quality of the lens, which category of lens, and how much you should spend on the lens!

What is MTF?

Machine vision lenses from various manufacturers may look similar and have identical focal lengths, but their performance can be very different – why is that?

Introduction to Telecentric Lenses

Basic overview of telecentric lenses. Read this primer prior to downloading info on telecentric lenses.
(Powerpoint presentation)

Optotune Focus Tunable lenses

This white paper provides a primer on the technology behind Optotune focus tunable lenses including a full overview of the product details and covers various applications.


EMVA Standard-1288 Release 3.0

Standard for characterization and presentation of specification data for image sensors and cameras.

Machine Vision Standards

White paper to understand machine vision interface standards.

Case Study

The Flying Eye: Camera makes currents visible in gliding flight

For a glider to glide as long as possible, air has to flow perfectly around the airfoils. To find out if it does, you need either a multi-million Euro wind tunnel or some 3 meter wool threads and a USB camera.

Machine Vision Lighting

Optimize Wavelength to Maximize Contrast

Machine vision outcomes depend upon maximizing contrast. The right wavelength of light, paired with the right sensor, optics, and knowledge of your target’s optical characteristics, can really make the target “pop”. This illustrated guide blends technical details with applied examples. Don’t assume white light is the winner – it might be blue, red, UV, IR, or another wavelength.

A Practical Guide to Machine Vision Lighting

A comprehensive guide, whether you are a beginner looking to understand the fundamentals or a skilled engineer looking to expand lighting knowledge, our new and enhanced guide is the perfect resource for you.

Lighting Techniques for Machine vision

A comprehensive guide to lighting techniques providing an understanding of lighting geometry, wavelength and filtering.

LED Controllers

A comprehensive guide, whether you are a beginner looking to understand the fundamentals or a skilled engineer looking to expand lighting knowledge, our new and enhanced guide is the perfect resource for you.

Use AVT Mako GigE camera as controller for CCS lighting

Not only can Effilux be controlled from the Mako, but many other CCS light heads. Download this white paper to get the full scoop.


Teledyne DALSA Astrocyte AI – AI Vision vs Classic Algorithms

Traditional machine vision algorithms were limited to a set of procedural image processing tools, including edge detection, color transforms, and blob analysis. These tools required programmers to meticulously write code and adjust parameters to achieve the desired outcome, whether it was a precise measurement, a pass/fail product assessment, or guiding a robotic arm.

In contrast, modern machine vision AI has advanced significantly and can now perform analysis for specific applications using deep learning, training and inference processes. AI deep learning & training tools, such as Teledyne DALSA Astrocyte AI, eliminate the need for manual programming and parameter adjustments. This Teledyne DALSA Astrocyte AI whitepaper offers valuable insights to help readers determine the most suitable approach for their particular use case - traditional machine vision or AI-powered machine vision.


1stVision glossary of imaging machine vision terms

This Glossary was written to provide users with an objective overview of the various interfaces for all the new digital cameras. Pros and Cons for each interface are described, and answers many of the questions we receive as an independent distributor machine vision products.

A large percentage of clients that call about one interface often purchase a camera with a different interface after getting a better a understanding of the various camera features and how they apply to the requirements of their digital imaging application.

AVT glossary of camera terms

A glossary of common machine vision terminology - provided by AVT.

1stVision Blog