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IDS Software Suite 4.96.1

If you open a USB uEye XS camera in uEye Cockpit, the menu entries differs from those of other uEye cameras. In the following, the changed menu entries are listed.


Note: The menus "Draw" and "Help" are the same as for any other uEye camera.


Save image…

Save image as BMP, JPEG or PNG file.

You can save images with a bit depth of more than 8 bit in the PNG format.

Settings for automatic image saving

Allows to save images automatically with consecutive filenames.

Record video sequence…

Open the record dialog box

Load parameters

Load parameters from an .ini file or from the camera's parameter set

Save parameters

Save parameters to an .ini file or to the camera's internal parameter set


Exit the program (camera is closed)



Copy the displayed image content to the clipboard. Overlay data created using the draw function is also copied automatically.


Select a language for the program. When you change the language, you need to restart the program to apply the new setting.


Opens the customize dialog box where you can make various settings for the startup behavior of the program.

Show start dialog

If this option is selected, the profiles start dialog shows on every start of the program.


Render mode

Image display


Deactivate display


Display at original size (100 %)

Fit to window

Scale display to window size

Quarter size

Scale display down to 25 %

Half size

Scale display down to 50 %

Double Size

Scale display up to 200 %


Show/hide crosshairs

Focus zone

Display the dialog for the focus (UI-1007XS)


Initialize and capture

Open camera and show live image


The camera changes to standby mode


Close camera

Reset to defaults

Reset all values set in the demo program to the defaults

Start live video

Live video on/off


Snapshot from live video

Basic settings

Open the camera's basic settings dialog

Brightness and contrast

Open the brightness and contrast dialog


Open the sharpness dialog


Open the color dialog


Open the dialog for setting the LUT

Sensor features

Open the sensor features dialog

Clear counters

Reset the counters (see status bar)


Line view (horizontal)

Open the line view window (row view)

Line view (vertical)

Open the line view window (column view)


Open the histogram window

Zoom window

Open the zoom window

Pixel peek window

Open the pixel peek window

Waterfall windows

Open the waterfall window

Log window

Open the Log window

Performance overview

Open the host performance window

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